I got my x'mas present from Hubby ~
a WHITE 16GB iPhone~
Thanks hubby.....
But, i don't noe what to get for him.....
13 years ago
住在一起的三个月, 有开心的事也有吵架.
Still learning to accomodate to each other. Im a lazy pig. Luckily he is there....
He is willing (or maybe unwillingly) to get me a glass of water whenever I want.
He covered me with blanket in the middle of the nite.
I like most is....we are alike kissing fish!
I only selected a few pix which i like to display here. Simon is our photographer. He is good. Humourous too. If you looking for one, we highly recommend him. Im not able to show u my video. Our videographer, Louis (Dreambox) is good too. He is kinda quiet & gentle type. Responsible person.
Thats abt all on my wedding....